Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Time For A Change

“What happened to me?” I asked my husband. I am worried. Every after we have our dinner, I have the urge to eat chocolate ice cream. I was trying to hold it, but it made me feel uncomfortable that I have to give in as not to make myself feel miserable. I know this is not good for me because I noticed that it made me having difficulties waking up in the morning. I got to do something to stop this. I tried having cookies and hot tea this night. I think it is better than the chocolate ice cream. I don’t mean to say they are bad, but as of my case, which I don’t go out very often because of the cold weather outside, I needed to be watchful in what I am eating.
I’m not afraid that I could get bigger though. I have been small-built all my life, and I think I want to experience how it is to have bigger body. Time for a change, as they say.My husband didn’t mind it if I became bigger. He assured me of that. Well, let’s see. The only thing that will be a problem is that I will need to buy women's large clothing . Well, I guess it is time to do some shopping. I do most of my shopping online. What about this one? I love blue, and it is my husband's favorite color, too. This is from Their styles are fashionable and tricky to find.

1 comment:

Shayla said...

Hi Grace!!!

thank you SO much for stopping by my blog :)

That shirt is cute, I love the shade of blue it is :)

I say go for the chocolate Ice cream!!!!!!!! forget about the rest sista :D