Monday, May 4, 2009


The first time I encountered this acronym P.U.S.H. was from Tammy of Omaha's Helping Hand on my comment page. I asked her back what was that mean and then she told me that it means; Pray Until Something Happen!
Encouraging others along in life- that's a worthy purpose. It is a Godly calling. I know some people who really needs to be pushed to live a righteous life, although they claim to be a Christian already. They feel that it is all right not to act seriously like Christian as long as they are not acting the opposite, too.
I also know some people that are afraid to pray or to specifically ask God for something. Their reasons are afraid of rejection and mistakes on what they are asking for. They just go with the flow, waiting and seeing what is there God has for them.
God taught us how to pray, and He taught us to pray in according to His will. Sure enough, God knows what you need before we even pray, but God requires us to pray for us to acknowledge that we need Him. Let us continue on giving each others a P.U.S.H.
"Encourage them all that with purpose of heart they should continue with the Lord." Acts 11:23


Denise said...

Amen, keep pushing.

Anonymous said...

Let PUSH gandang araw jan tukayo muzta jan

ChinkyGirLMeL said...

Amen to that! Thank you for being a constant inspiration not just to me but to others as well. =) God Bless you and your family always!