Thursday, May 7, 2009

What's Wrong With The Word "Happy"?

I used to have a friend with a strange and strong spiritual conviction. He hate the word "HAPPY". (He lives in Florida) He prohibited the use of this word. He converted the word to other synonyms such as joyful, merry and bless. For example, if you want to say; "I am happy to see you." He want you to change it into; "I am joyfull to see you."
It would really upset him if he hears you stubbornly used that word. "But what's wrong with the word "HAPPY"? I asked him. Here was his answer:
"The word "HAPPY" was from devil because it is the depending on the outside circumstances, not on the state of the heart because "happy" came out from the word happening."
And that was why he also strongly objected celebrating occassions such as birthdays, christmas, mother's day/father's day, etc.; because according to him, those are celebrated by the devils. I wonder if the devil was "happy" with that... (oppss!) Strange, huh?


Denise said...

That is crazy.

""rarejonRez"" said...

hooooooh..... how strange! and weird of that that friend of yours! i wonder if he has ever been happy in his life! i definitely would disagree with his idea that the word happy comes from the devil! :) tell me about it!