Thursday, October 15, 2009

Free Shipping Car Parts

It is our 5th day here in our new home. We have done pretty much things already. We have furnished and did the decorating, but as our cousin said; “You are getting there.” Yes, we are not done and there are still many things need to be done such as signing for postal service, internet connection provider, cable TV provider, cellphone line and car insurance.
Talking about car, my husband realize that we need to purchase some car parts, and when it comes to car parts, Car Parts Warehouse is where we can find top-quality and reliable car parts and automotive accessories with the lowest price you can see online, plus, they provide free shipping for all orders of over $50.00. Ain’t that cool? So, for your car parts, shop at

1 comment:

Peter woodfellow said...

i got my car part delivered to me a couple of weeks ago and had lost my ID so they would not let me sign for the parts so i had to get a neighbour to sign for them. Tip for everyone always have a ID on any delivery over $1000