Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Time For Getting Own Domain

I have been blogging for almost two years now, and blogging gave a lot of good things to me. I am considering getting my own domain. Having own domain is a privilege for bloggers like me who participated in some of paid posting networks because most of them preferred it. To get your own domain is both risky and costly. And most users were having confusion with its uploading data. Through net browsing, I found this budget host in It is a webhosting service expert for web services and they give away at least one free domain name registration for their clients. This sounds like this is exactly what I needed.
I know a lot of friends who have more than one blog/site. Now I understand why. With their budget host, I would probably do the same. But I wonder how they got the time to manage all of them. But I can’t really decide what to do. I heard that getting own domain can mean starting all over again. They say that the blog PR will turn back to 0. I don’t want that to happen to my blog. Somebody suggest keeping my blog and getting a domain for my second and/or third site. I guess they are right.


Lulu said...

sayang ang PR if you will get a domain that is also the reason why i remained in blogspot because of my pr. I have other blogs though with domain... it is easy to maintain if you have time.

Arvin U. de la Peña said...

hello..kumusta na grace..