Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Watch Your Words

Several weeks ago, my friend spotted me online on Facebook, he took the chance to ask me about the "acronym" "ttyl". At first, I didn't understand what he meant, then, it sparks on my mind that what he meant must be some kind of a text message, and I told him that it means "talk to you later". He was very happy that I had enlightened him about it, and I gave him the website to get more about this stuff.
Personally, I don't find it easy to keep up with the shorthand that accompanies today's fast-paced, youth-oriented electronic communication. In IM-speak (Instant Message talk) or text-message language; "laughing out loud" = "lol" "by the way" = "btw" "got to go" = "g2g" "hugs and kisses" = "xoxo""oh my god" = "omg"(and this one that i don't like...)"oh my 'freaking' god" = "omfg".
The last two phrase seems to be on the lips of many as an expressions. But we need to realize, we have to honor God by not flippantly using His holy name. Hold it before you utter it, and remind yourself, God don't deserve His name to be used that way.While Jesus was on earth, He taught His disciple on how to pray. "Our Father, hallowed be Your name." (Matthew 6:9) Obviously, God's name itself is special. It encompasses His nature. He is the Creator and Sustainer of the universeIn every way possible, we should honor and protect God's holy name, preserving its use for those occasions when we are speaking for His glory. Let's be careful never to turn the holy name of our awesome and and mighty God into another flippant phrase on our lips, not even in a text messages.
"You shall not misuse the name of the Lord your God," Exodus 20:7