Monday, February 23, 2009


Are you having problems with your "Followers" corner? When I wake this morning, I was happy to see that I had 2 new followers. Then, 2 hours after, I was wondering why I lost 2, then another 1, another 1 and another 1. All in all, I lost 5 followers this morning. I was thinking maybe some had decided to stop following my blog. Actually, this is not the first time that happened to me. Somehow, it was frustrating.
A moment later, Maria has a message on my chatbox, complaining that my name disappeared on her follower's list. Then, I realized, there must be something wrong with the Blogger system.

Then I happened to visit Annie Kelleher's blog and I was so relieved with her post;
" answer the questions of several gentle readers...apparently a glitch in the blogger system as it attempted to integrate with another system has caused some followers to be inadvertently switched to anonymous. they are still there; you just can't see them. go to dashboard, go down to blogs i follow, click on manage and check to see that all the blogs you follow are set to public, not anonymous. i checked, and all the blogs i follow are set to public, so for all the people i read regularly... you should be able to see me!"
Then, I looked for an explanation from the Blogger system, this is what I found;
motherofdomi: I had 118 followers this morning and when I checked this afternoon, I was down to 99. I've never seen anyone stop following let alone have 19 disappear at once. Is this a bug? What happened? Is there anyway to check. Please advise. This is really concerning. There's no way to know who is gone either...
Thanks for any info.
Hey folks,
You may have noticed the number of your public Followers has decreased over the last few hours. We are in the process of integrating with Friend Connect.
There is small set of users that already use both Blogger Following and Friend Connect. To avoid linking the profiles of Blogger and Friend Connect users without their permission, we have set these users to "anonymous". They are still following privately and will able to make themselves public again.
With the official launch of the Friend Connect integration, we will communicate with the affected users to encourage them to reset their relationship to public. To reiterate, the number of Followers has not changed, and we believe that the launch will improve the visibility of your blog and community. We will post more details on Blogger Buzz and here as the launch approaches.
Thanks for your patience,
Gatsby The Blogger Team
Did this happened to yours, too?


Travis Erwin said...

Yep, I lost four. Thought I'd offended them.

Cherish Tulips said...

Not to worry.I am still following your blog though i didn't sign up as a "Followe" coz you have a great blog to read!

Michele Williams said...

Yes, I lost some too...

vhingF said...

before I lost one that hurts me a bit ,so last night before I went to bed I noticed the 7 followers are disappeared including YOU!hehehe.
so you need to do it again , right!? hahahaha.It is scary to think about the worms to affect and ruin our computer.

Anonymous said...

I lost half of my followers...sigh!

Veronica Lee said...

I lost 6!!

Unknown said...

hey grace - no worries at all!!! share anything from my blog you like!!!!! hope you have an amazing and blessed day!!! xox.... annie

Angela said...

Grace, like you yesterday morning I noticed I had two new followers, by afternoon, they were gone. Last week I had three more followers, than back down three. It's a yo yo lately. Thanks for the information given here.. Your blog is FILLED with so much information and wisdom for us to peruse, just wanted to thank you so much for all that you do.

Angela said...

Grace, I wanted to thank you again for sharing this with us. I have also given your link on my devotional today at my blog..((hugs))

Denise said...

Thanks for making me aware of this my friend.

Shawie said...

oh, thanks for sharing such opinions about it...I don't really follow blogs and had few followers but I don't give much thought about it...just read & comment if I liked it:)

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing this information ... I wasn't aware.

Eduardo said...

I was so worried I made some people upset! Thanks for this post! I needed it! I really need ALL your post, BOL! I had lost 6 followers! I couldn't believe it! I figured they were so mad at me for not commenting in a couple of days!
Hugs & Snugs
Eduardo the Snuggle Puggle

Chie Wilks said...

I was having this problem yesterday too as soon as i sit i front my computer. I was shock losing 17 followers..By the way, thanks nga pala te for featuring me today is your ad space..its a great honor..thanks a lot..mwahh mwahh