April is a National Humor Month. It was founded in 1976 by best-selling humorist Larry Wilde, Director of The Carmel Institute of Humor. It is designed to heighten public awareness on how the joy and therapeutic value of laughter can improve health, boost morale, increase communication skills and enrich the quality of one's life." "Besides," adds Wilde, "it's the only month that begins with All Fool's Day -- a day which has sanctioned frivolity and pranks ever since the 1500's."The idea of laughing and the use of humor as a tool to lift ailing spirits is growing. Scientific research now indicates that the curative power of laughter and its ability to relieve debilitating stress and burnout may indeed be one of the great medical discoveries of our times. In his book Anatomy of An Illness, author Norman Cousins cited laughter as an effective tool for promoting the healing process. In Cousins' words, "Laughter is internal jogging."Internationally known as a premiere platform humorist, Wilde offers a five-point program to manage stress, overcome personal turmoil and postpone our insanity. "Humor is very personal. What you think is funny, someone else may not. But it's important to laugh and to get all the big laughs you can."
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I love to laugh.
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