My best friend, Ann, is looking for USB wireless WiFi signal booster antenna to be able to use her laptop for internet right in her room. It would be impractical if she pays for internet connection if she spends most of her time at the office. She is very excited to get her own website, but I keep telling her to wait until she got the booster antenna. I told her that once she is set, I will be very happy to help her in any way she needs me to. I can give her a bunch of helpful tips and leading on getting a web site, too. I am very excited to introduce her to the world of bloggers.
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Hmmm...web hosting? Been mulling about the idea of having my own. But right now, I'm still too busy with other things. When I'm more established with my blog, then maybe, I will.
How are you, Grace? I haven't been here for awhile. Been so hot here lately and that laid me off from my computer.
I would recommend "Host Gator" because it's very cheap and reliable. Their support service is awesome. This company offers site building tools, application vault, web mail, antivirus, Php, MysQL ,e-commerce and hosts unlimited websites in one plan. Don't go for free web hosting.They are not reliable. You could read the User Reviews here:
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