The message God gave to me this morning was about clearing out our clutter. If we have been too busy in life (like me) and if you live with somebody who don't care about orderness in the house (like my husband) chances are you end up with clutters all over the house. Every time I perform a general house cleaning, I always start in our closet. Probably because it is the most remote part of the house, and it is where most clutters are filing up because I always hid there the things that I don't want to be visible somewhere else. After I cleaned it, it always feels like it took away the biggest part of the job.
To some people, the part of the house that has more clutters are in their garage, to some in basement, to some in bedroom. (Well, we don't have both garage and basement.) But one thing is sure, we are ashamed to open that door to our visitor or guest. We don't want them to see our clutter.
It is the same thing with our life. Living in this world, meeting new people, getting acquainted with all these modern stuff and the world's ways, somewhere in our hearts and minds, all these made us accumulate clutter in our lives, and some of them, we are ashame for others to find out. Things such as hate, envy, covetousness, lust, disatisfaction and many more. These are the things that makes our life's "closet" dirty and disorder. And while we think we can hide the clutter, eventually, it will show.
The word of God says, "Do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and you are not your own?" (1 Corinthians 6:19 NIV ) Knowing this, it makes me think that I let God live in my heart with all the clutters. It is not a good place for a King. It is not how we treat a very special guest in our house. I feel so awful!
Well, I think it is about time that we spend a day to clean up the mess in our life. General cleaning is not just needed in our house, it is also needed in our hearts and mind. It is about time we throw away the hatred, the bitterness, the unforgiveness, the lust and everything unpleasant that are hiding in our "closet". It is about time that we organize our attitude and fill our hearts with the beauty of God's Word. Let us make our "closet" clean and then be confident again knowing that there is nothing bad and shameful that you hide in there anymore.
It's always nice to be able to clear out our closet and make it organized as it helps us to start our day bright and clear. I like to work in the closet and get rid of some items I no longer wear and no longer like. You have one nice and organized closet now. :)
Adin B
Thanks for this post. The timing could not have been more perfect.
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