Showing posts with label my call. Show all posts
Showing posts with label my call. Show all posts

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Soar On Wings Like Eagles

I thank God that so far, there has been no scooter-related problems or any unpleasant that happened to us, except for the tanned skin that I accumulate from riding which I hate (but my husband love it). Come winter and the scooter will come to seasonal rest, and I hope that I will regain my natural skin tone again. ................................................................................................. While I learned to enjoy riding the scooter, I also learned few things that are related to our spiritual life, and one of them is what I call; SOAR. ...................................................................................................... I noticed that every time we crossed high and long bridges on a very windy day, after battling the bothersome wind, there is calmness when we reached the peak of the bridge. It reminded me of this word: "...but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not faint." (Isaiah 40:31) ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... I was told that whenever there is a storm, the eagle would soar beyond the wind and there the eagle felt safe and free from the strong gush of the wind that may lead the fall. It has application in our life, too. But I want to believe that only the spiritually strong ones can soar beyond the "storm of our life", because it will need strength and determination to be able to conquer it. Not all the birds can do it, only the strong ones. As well as, not all God-believers are strong and determined. Strength and determination are acquired through regular prayer and meditation of His holy word.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Perfect Love Casteth Out Fear

My husband just bought a new scooter a week ago, and I was so worried about it. I was so against of the idea in the first place, but he explained to me that it is savvy this way because the gas price is going up lately. I understood... and I chose not to complain about it. He has been riding a motorcyle for a long time already and I chose to trust him rather than whining about it. Although... I can't help but be scared every time I ride with him, I chose not to show it so that he will be comfortable with me, and also, I see and I know that my husband is a very careful driver, in which I am very thankful to God. . For days, I was holding God in my prayers every single minute, to keep us safe, especially when I was on the scooter. Then, I come to realize that I was no longer enjoying God's blessing to us... the scooter. So, I opened my Bible and look for His word. I was thinking to myself that I really need a verse that I can hold on, something that will blow my fear away. God gave me this: "There is no fear in love, but perfect love casteth out fear." 1 John 4:18 . I know I heard and read this verse a million times already, but I didn't realize that I haven't understood its full meaning. I didn't care to understand either. Until then, that God gave this to me... and I asked Him, "God, what does this has to do with my problem?" God revealed to me then that His perfect love will keep me safe, protected, provided and loved; and that perfect love should make us feel invincible... that no harm will befall on us, because He is our shield and that He takes care of us, and that He has total control over everything that happens in our life. His perfect love means 100% safety and security. As a result... we will no longer fear on anything... anything at all. As long as we prayed and asked for protection, have faith in God... and don't entertain the fear anymore. It will be like an insult to God if we doubt it. And besides, God gave us a blessing... and He wants us to enjoy the blessing that we got. That is what I am clinging to right now. . Thank God for the scooter!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

NaCl = Table Salt

NaCl= table salt

I found out that the table salt is part of every meal here in USA. It is actually on the table on every meal time. My husband (and everybody that I know here) put salt on their food (plate). I don't. However, in the Philippines, we use salt for cooking, dips and preparing the food.
NaCl is used for many purposes.

It is used to add flavor to food;
... is used to draw out the water in foods;
... is used to cure food for longevity;
... is used to create traction on icy roads.
(Calcium chloride is actually used for this purpose more, but if you don’t have any of that sitting around, you can use table salt to create traction on your front step on a snowy day.)
I believe that salt was even used for antiseptic purposes.

The physiological requirement by the human body is immediate and life sustaining . Without salt any animal including the human animal would die and the importance of salt to any civilisation may not be underestimated. In comparison many other everyday uses are today taken for granted. In ancient times, before any chemical analysis was possible, experience and wisdom, was necessary to discern the purity of the salt for use with the many every day specific applications. To sustain a growing population, more salt was required. The fact that salt may have been available or was relatively easy to produce was a basic condition which allowed a population to increase and develop. . Where salt was not available..... populations stagnated and even disintegrated.

The bible tells that the believers of Jesus Christ are the salt of the earth. We are the ones who add flavors to the life of those who needs us. We are the one who preserves lives. We may ask "how?",
*by our little act of kindness towards another,
*by giving a genuine smile to others,
*by taking time to listen to them
*by being there when they need us
These and more can made others realized that we are the ones who help preserves lives. Those who have committed suicide, they were the ones who were unreached by the "salt of the earth". Their lives could have been saved if some "salt" was applied on them. But hey, look around... there may be somebody who needs us. Lives that they consider "tasteless". Forward, believers of Christ! Share the salt that we have to make others life worth living.

"You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled underfoot. (Matthew 5:13 NIV)

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Taste Buds

In today's generation, we are so surrounded with manmade entertainment that are available in the television, internet, magazines, etc.; yet, it is surprising to realized that some people easily get bored with all of them. I have a suggestion here that will surely turn your outlook in life into a different level. Go to your kitchen and pull out an orange, a grape, a watermelon, or a cupcake and taste it! Have you stopped to realize that God didn't have to give you taste buds? But He did so you could taste His glory! You see, God could have made everything taste the same, like chicken. He could have made it all bland and tasteless, like water. But He didn't. He wanted you to taste a chocolate-covered strawberry. barbecue, peach nectar, butter pecan, and some more. Each taste should bring and exclamation of admiration of His handiwork. Maybe instead of just thanking God for your provision of food, you should stop in the middle of a meal you are enjoying and tell God how great He is for allowing you to have the sensation of taste.
Paraphrased from the book "Cat & Dog Theology" by Bob Sjorgen & Gerald Robison, pp. 195-196

Sunday, December 12, 2010

The Ten Commandments & The Greatest Commandment

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When it comes to spiritual things, I am richer than my husband, and in some sense, I am not proud of it. I want him to be as rich as I am. Note that I am only comparing myself with my husband, that is to say that I may not be as rich as those I go to church with. Spiritual richness can't be determine solely on how much you know the Holy Bible or how much you have studied it. You may have read the entire bible a few times already, but it is the personal experiences that made you wise and grow to spiritual maturity. He asked me few nights ago if I am following the Ten Commandments, and he finds my answer very enlightening.
The Ten Commandments was given by God to the world during the lawless age where crime and violence were increasing at a fearful rate because there was practically no respect for law or constituted authority among His people. It was God himself who wrote the Ten Commandments on the tablet and appeared to His people on Mount Sinai to give it to His people.
....."Mount Sinai was covered with smoke, because the LORD descended on it in fire. The smoke billowed up from it like smoke from a furnace, and the whole mountain trembled violently. As the sound of the trumpet grew louder and louder, Moses spoke and the voice of God answered him." Exodus 19: 18-19 (for more information, I suggest that you read the entire book of Exodus.)
Although Jesus gave the "new" Greatest Commandment, it is wrong to proclaim that the Ten Commandments are being replaced, abolished or "done away". Ten Commandments was given by God to His PEOPLE for all the years.
Jesus gave this "new" commandment during the last night of His physical life on earth. He had—by teaching and example—already shown the disciples that keeping God’s commandments was simply an expression of love. To worship and obey God, allowing no other "gods", idols or anything else that comes in His place, to honor His name and keeping His day holy; summarizes the first four of the Ten Commandments into what Jesus called the "Greatest Commandment" that can be found in the New Testament; "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength". (Mark 12:30) The rest of the Ten Commandments which were from 5th to 10th were summarized into the second great commandment which is the "Love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no commandment greater than these.” (Mark 12:31)
Jesus did not abolish the Ten Commandments that were from Old Testament, He was only making it easier for us to remember or to follow the whole text, and condensed it into two commandments. It made sense to me. Does it to you?

Monday, November 22, 2010

Who Can Touch The Apple Of God's Eye?

I found myself asking tonight when I was on my way home from work, "why do we always have new problems?". I feel down tonight because of the problem I had encounter at work this afternoon. But my soul says; my problems are design to make me stronger and wiser for future use. Thank you, God. You are my strength.
We are very precious in God's eyes. He takes good care of us. He does what is best for us. At times, we may don't understand what is happening in our lives, but rest assured, He is in control, and nothing harm befalls to His children. We are the apple of His eyes ("apple" means "pupil") and like anybody else, nobody wants their eye's pupil be touched. It is our natural instinct to protect our pupil at all cost. And that is what God is exactly doing for us. He is protecting us at all cost. Even to the point of giving His son to die on the cross for us. Who can touch the apple of God's eye?
"...for whoever touches you touches the apple of God's eye." Zechariah 2:8 NIV

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Let God Be The Builder Of Your Dreams

All of us have desires and dreams in one way or another on how we want our lives to be in the future. Only those that are in the mental hospital doesn't have this dreams and desires. Most of us planned carefully on it, while some just go for it on impulse. Some people would put much effort and all that they could for their dreams, while others it may mean self-denial and sacrifices just to be able to build their selves up. Others would be willing to commit any crime and while others were taking short-cuts only to find their selves trap in a "dead end" zone.

There are people who found their selves failure, blaming it on following the guidance and advices of from somebody they love. While some people found their selves futile and empty after realizing they made a mistake on their decision. Their common falling ground was regrets.

The word of God says in
Psalm 127:1 a “Unless the Lord builds the house, its builder labor in vain.” We could dream for our future but it is always wise to ask for His guidance first. Answers may not come instantly, or on the time that we want it. To some it may mean to wait a while. But by doing so, we are saving ourselves from trouble that may come out from wrong decision and have to start all over again. Unless what we are doing is what God wants us to do, we will not succeed in it.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Fear Of The Lord

The topic of the devotion that my husband and I had this afternoon was about "Fear". It was about a successful golfer who had the "fear" that drives him to be excellent in what he is doing. My husband commented on why we should live in "fear" when our God is the God of "love", and that we should not fear Him because God is kind.
It is true. But sad to say that human are born defiant and disobedient that we all need discipline. If God's love and kindness will just allow us to go where we want to go and to do what we want to do, we will all end up to our destruction. But because God cares, He has to impose the consequence in us to whatever we did wrong so that we will learn to fear Him in a constructive way.
Learning to fear God will make us wise by learning His ways. To learn His ways is to read His word which can be found in the book of life, The Bible. The more we learn from it, the more we will know the right thing to do, that will lead us to avoid the path of destruction. Living in fear to God doesn't mean God is terrorizing us. God is a God of balance. He loves us... He nurtures us... He teaches us... and if we did something wrong, He punish us, so that we will not go astray. God loves us so much that He wants to see us walking in the right path every day and enjoying the life that God is so abundantly offers to us.
"The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom; all who follow His precepts have good understanding." (Psalm 111:10 NIV)

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Turn Your Birthday Song To A Victory Song

I believe that a birthday song should be a "Victory" song regardless how old we can be. Every year that added to our life should be consider a miracle. Millions of human being were not given the chance to live as long as they want to. Babies that were dead didn't give their parents the joy of seeing them growing up. Teen-agers that died didn't had the chance of seeing their selves becoming successful in the careers they would have choose. I may go on and on, but my point is, I believe that we should be proud of the length of hours we have stayed here on earth. Let us not hide our true age, as some did, instead, we should be happy that another year is being added to it.
Consider the cancer patients, birthdays have a special meaning for them and to their loved ones. They understood that the life is a gift from God, and that every year that added to it is a miracle. They hope that there will be many more birthdays to come to them.
"Teach us to number our days aright, that we may gain a heart of wisdom." (Psalm 90:12 NIV)

Friday, October 22, 2010


There were weeks that I was not able to go to church because of my previous job. (I am so glad that I am done with that job now.) Having a fellowship with people of the same faith is important to me… to us. Yes, we can study the Holy Bible in our house. Yes, we can do the praise and worship in our house. But fellowship is as much important as studying the bible and singing praise and worship, too.

Fellowship is what we are called to do as a believer. It is a relationship of inner unity among believers that expresses itself in outer co-participation with Christ and one another in accomplishing God's will on earth. Fellowship is not just being together. It is not just doing anything together but it is working together to accomplish God's will.

Fellowship is an act of working together to accomplish God's will continued in the church with the practice of a multiplicity of leadership, diversification of activities, giving to the needy, exercise of different spiritual gifts, supporting of missionaries, calls to different mission fields, corporate prayer, group worship and in other ways. But the importance of fellowship to the church does not rest solely upon the fact that it was the natural result of the coming of the Holy Spirit. Rather, its primary importance stems from the fact that: The instruments are our spiritual gifts and natural abilities. And the indispensable means we used to perform is fellowship, co-participation in accomplishing His purpose. It is only as we work together in this way that it is possible to accomplish God's plan. This is why fellowship is indispensable to the church. This is why we should go to the church service and be a part of the fellowship.

"They devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching and to the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer." (Acts 2:42 NIV)

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Lean Not On Your Own Understanding

"Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight." Proverbs 3:5-6 NIV
This bible verse is one of my favorite verse during the first few weeks that the bible was introduced to me. It is still my favorite nowadays. Every once a month, I always spare a day to be alone in a room for my monthly spiritual evaluation. It is a day of reading, singing my love songs to God and writing down whatever comes to my mind. I wrote down my plans, needs and prayers for myself and for my love ones. It is a time of picking myself up if I stumbled. It is a time of evaluating my self about any things that has been done and has been left undone. It's kinda like presenting to God my current agenda in life, my plans and wishes. But in the end, no matter how smart my plans may sound, I don't fail to acknowledge that all my plans and ways will fail if God will not be with me. I declare that I needs God's guidance on every step of the way.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Happy Girl

When I arrived at the office this morning, Tom, my co-worker said; "Here comes the happy girl." Everybody noticed that I always wear a genuine smile and give it away to everybody that I met. My personal policy is not to wear heavy scents when working, because I believe that some people around me may not like it and will cause discomfort to them. The scent that I am wearing is something that makes everybody comfortable and happy to be around me, it is the smile on my face.
Honestly speaking, I have a conversation with my General Manager yesterday. He told me that my speed (performance) is not good enough. "But you have a very good personality, you always wear a smile, and that is what we need in this company and that is why we want to keep you. We might try to give you another work, and let's see from there on how you are doing." I give God the glory for that! "For we are to God the fragrance of Christ... the aroma of life leading to life." (2 Corinthians 2:15-16)
Although there are a lot of times that I feel like I am ready to quit my job because I felt like I sin against my body for working too hard to the extent that it made me feel unhealthy. But I cannot decide if I should, because I am thinking that it is God who gave this job to me, and if this is not good for me anymore, then, maybe God knows better when to take it away from me. Do I make sense here? I really don't know what to do, but I know that we ought to take care of ourselves, too. I am praying for this everyday, and laid it on His mighty hand.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Tired, Bored or Losing Interest?

It has been more than a week since I last posted here in my blog. Why is it? Could it be that I am always tired, could it be that I am bored or could it be that I am just losing interest lately? Truth to tell is that I don't really know which one I feel right now. It could be all of them. I even didn't do some blog visit anymore. I may need to rekindle the fire of blog passion that used to be here in my heart, but I don't know where to start.
As of now, I am busy both in my job and in preparing my very soon vacation to the Philippines. I am very excited about it. It is my day off from work today, and I spent it cooking meals for us (my husband and I), watching good movies together and some house cleaning. Right now I am here in front of my computer trying to put into words what I am feeling right now. I don't want to say that I will quit blogging because that is definitely not what I want to happen. Maybe lately I am just in a stage where I feel that the pressure in my job has putting too much weight on my brain that everytime I come home I just want to sit beside my husband and watch our favorite TV shows.
My passion is in writing ever since I was younger. In fact, I feel better now that I have poured out what was on my mind. Maybe I will be writing more often from now... or maybe not. But one thing is sure, I will never quit blogging. I know, I live to tell God's "Amazing Grace". One proof, God's amazing grace is the reason why I still have my job besides the fact that they are not satisfied with my performance, but God knows that I always gave my best. Whatever will happen, the most important thing is that I can give glory to God's name.
"Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." (Philippians 4:4-7 NIV)

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Know This Person

Know this person.
This person is somebody who we don't want to trust. We don't want to hear anything that comes out from this person's mouth. This person is somebody who always messed up around and causes troubles to everybody.
I should suggest, hate what this person habitually does, but love this person enough to show the right thing ought to do.
"Not a word from their mouth can be trusted; their heart is filled with destruction. Their throat is an open grave; with their tongue they speak deceit." Psalm 5:9 NIV
Reposted from 12-09-08

Friday, April 9, 2010

Life's Hardship Results Glory To God's Name

Today was a hard day’s work. Well, it has always been like this for the past 2 weeks. It looks like it is going to slow down a bit next week because the spring break is over. Truth to tell, I am really very tired every time I get home from work. I worked 6-7 hours in a day without taking a break. I only have a bottle of water and that is what sustained me for the entire day; and that is why I always make sure that I eat heavy breakfast before I got to work. I love my job. I thank God every day for giving me this job. I pray for the company that I am working in every morning. I also pray for the management, supervisors and everybody that I work with. I always pray that God may provide me energy and everything that I need to sustain the day’s work. I also ask wisdom from God to make my performance more satisfactorily. It is a tough job, but I love what I am doing. Above all, I need this job to help me come up with money for my Philippine trip which I want to do very soon.
This afternoon, my supervisor talked to me. She told me that my performance is good, but… I need to speed up. That kind of worries me, because in the last 2 weeks, they have been firing four workers already. Every day I worry about that, but I know in myself that I am progressing every day as well. I guess, it is not enough. I told my husband about that. I cried. I was worried that I will lost my job. I stayed in our walk-in locker for a while, then, my mom-in-law came inside to talk to me. My husband told her about my worries. She comforted me and told me that it happened to her, too. She told me not to take it seriously, that if I get fired, then, I will look for another job.
I believe that speaking your worries or problem out can help. I also have noticed in a lot of times that if I talk to my husband about any concerns that I have, no matter how big or small, it just settles all by itself. (God did it.) I believe that God is trying to tell me that my husband and I are one, and that whatever our concerns, worries or problems, it should be shared and talked between us, and God will do the rest.
I opened my devotion booklet a while ago and this is the Bible verse that my eyes had first set upon; “You therefore must endure hardship as a good soldier of Jesus.” 2 Timothy 2:3 The Bible tells us that believers are caught in a conflict initiated by Satan’s rebellion against God. Because of this, we are challenged to “endure hardship as a good soldier of Jesus Christ”. In Paul’s day, the Roman legionnaires suffered in service for the emperor. As followers of Jesus, we may be called upon to do the same thing for the glory of God.
I have a big faith in God. I believe that He is the one who gave this job to me, so it is either He will help me improve in my speed or He will take me out from my job and will give me another one.
After writing this down, I now have a peace of mind and a smile in my face, believing that “All things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are called according to His purpose.” Romans 8:28 I am beating Satan down, because the hardship he gave me resulted to bring glory to God’s name.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Why We Shed A Tear?

All of us, at one time or another, had shed a tear. It may be a tear of happiness, pain, anger, frustration and the most common, sadness. But seldom of us wonder why human being, or even animals, shed a tear. With crying, the body goes through physical or chemical changes. Crying is beneficial to us both emotionally and physically. .
Crying is a more complicated process than one would at first imagine. First of all, there are really three different types of tears. Basal tears keep our eyes lubricated constantly. Reflex tears are produced when our eyes get irritated, like with onions or when something gets into our eyes. The third kind of tear is produced when the body reacts emotionally to something. Each type of tear contains different amounts of chemical proteins and hormones. Scientists have discovered that the emotional tears contain higher levels of manganese and the hormone prolactin, and this contributes in a reduction of both of these in the body; thus helping to keep depression away. Many people have found that crying actually calms them after being upset, and this is in part due to the chemicals and hormones that are released in the tears."
According to a study of over 300 adults, on average men cry once every month, and women cry at least five times per month, especially before and during the menstrual cycle when crying can increase up to 5 times the normal rate, often without obvious reason such as depression or sadness.
Jesus Christ came down from heaven to earth as a 100% human and 100%God. And one of the most touching moments He had on earth was when He cried. Yes, Jesus cried when He saw Lazarus, His dear friend, laid down on bed, dead for four days. "Jesus wept." John 11:35 NIV

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Watch Your Words

Several weeks ago, my friend spotted me online on Facebook, he took the chance to ask me about the "acronym" "ttyl". At first, I didn't understand what he meant, then, it sparks on my mind that what he meant must be some kind of a text message, and I told him that it means "talk to you later". He was very happy that I had enlightened him about it, and I gave him the website to get more about this stuff.
Personally, I don't find it easy to keep up with the shorthand that accompanies today's fast-paced, youth-oriented electronic communication. In IM-speak (Instant Message talk) or text-message language; "laughing out loud" = "lol" "by the way" = "btw" "got to go" = "g2g" "hugs and kisses" = "xoxo""oh my god" = "omg"(and this one that i don't like...)"oh my 'freaking' god" = "omfg".
The last two phrase seems to be on the lips of many as an expressions. But we need to realize, we have to honor God by not flippantly using His holy name. Hold it before you utter it, and remind yourself, God don't deserve His name to be used that way.While Jesus was on earth, He taught His disciple on how to pray. "Our Father, hallowed be Your name." (Matthew 6:9) Obviously, God's name itself is special. It encompasses His nature. He is the Creator and Sustainer of the universeIn every way possible, we should honor and protect God's holy name, preserving its use for those occasions when we are speaking for His glory. Let's be careful never to turn the holy name of our awesome and and mighty God into another flippant phrase on our lips, not even in a text messages.
"You shall not misuse the name of the Lord your God," Exodus 20:7

Friday, February 5, 2010

Sing A Song To Your Maker

I love birds. There are a lot of different kind of birds here in Florida. I enjoy looking at them. When I was still in the Philippines, I love the way how I woke up every morning. Birds would gather near our window and start singing. It is very pleasant to my ears. The beautiful part of it is that hearing another birds from a distant responding, too.
Birds sing because they have a syrinx instead of a larynx. The syrinx is the bird's voice box, an organ that lies deep in a bird's chest and is uniquely fashioned for song. That, at least, is the natural explanation for their gift.
But let me ask you, why do birds sing? They sing because their Creator put a song in their hearts. Each bird is "heaven's high and holy muse," created to draw our hearts up to our Creator. They are reminders that He has given us a song that we may sing His praise.
So when you hear God's little hymn-birds singing their hearts out, remember to sing your own song of thanksgiving, too. Sing a song to your maker.
"Break forth in song, rejoice, and sing praises." (Psalm 98:4 NKJV)

Friday, January 29, 2010

Lost & Found

There is a spot in Wal-Mart that really catches my attention every time my husband and I go there, especially if we stop by the RedBox, it is the "Missing People" corner. Looking at their pictures and details, I can't help but be sad and wonder where they are now and how their family handled the situation. When it comes to emotion, I admit that I am very weak. I don't know how sad I will be if somebody that I love will be lost. I don't even want to think about it.
I am sure that was how Jesus feel towards those who were and are lost, and that was why Jesus did not hesitate to go with Zaccheus to his house, because Jesus was so joyful when He found Zaccheus. Zaccheus was lost and was found. I believe that Jesus had the same joy when He found me while I was lost. I am very glad to be found and now I am home in God's love.
If you know anybody that was lost, let us bring them back home to Jesus. The bible says that the angels in heaven are rejoicing over one soul that was lost and is found to be with Jesus again. "The Son of Man has come to seek and to save that which was lost." Luke 19:10

Monday, January 25, 2010

Happy Monday Everyone!

In my life's view, we don't need the 1st day of the year to strongly motivate us into having life's resolution. If we fail to accomplish what we had started during the 1st day of the year, don't let it end there. We can use every 1st day of the month, every Monday or even every day to start all over again.

My husband and I had a list of our life's resolution during the 1st day of the year. We are happy that we have a good progression to some of them, but we also have bad ones, too. One thing is very important though, we keep trying and we do not lose the fervor.

I admit to myself that I had been falling miles and miles away to some areas in my life lately. I am so sorry about it. Today is Monday, I want to make this day as a fresh start in taking the road upward again. With God's spirit and blessing, I am looking forward on renewing that gift that God bestowed on me. For I believe that there is nothing more fulfilling than doing what God wants us to do and to continue finding out on what else you can do in life in service to God.

"...for wisdom is more precious than rubies, and nothing you desire can compare with her." (Proverbs 8:11 NIV)