Saturday, April 11, 2009

"Black Saturday"

Black Saturday is the day after Good Friday. It is the day before Easter and the last day of Holy Week, in which Christians prepare for Easter. This day commemorates the day that Jesus Christ's body lay in the tomb.
In the New Testament, Jesus' disciples were mourning... but was mixed with excitement... with expecant heart that Jesus will rise from the death as He had claimed. It was also said that those people who were part of the mob that demanded Jesus' crucifixion was startled and guilty. They started to ask themselves, "What if Jesus was really the King of Kings?" It was described as the gloomiest days for the followers of Jesus Christ. The Bible says that on that day, Jesus descended down into hell to break the gates of Hades. Jesus was victorious with His mission here on earth. The grave denied Him. Death got no hold of HIM!


Denise said...

Amen, He will rise again.

Unknown said...

now isnt that interesting.. where i grew up, we called today holy saturday - for the same reasons, of course...! happy almost easter!!!! thank you so much for stopping in while i was taking my break!!!! xoxox.... annie

Beth in NC said...

Praise God -- He is Risen!

Have a blessed Easter!

Nance said...

Nice to see you back, Grace! Yes, indeed, He Is Risen and praise be to God!

Chris said...

He is alive!

Kim, USA said...

Hi Grace, I find this day as mourning over the death of Jesus Christ but at the same time excited because he will Risen Alleluia to that!!Thanks for dropping by at my bloggy. Happy Easter!

Lora said...

Amen! Death has no hold on Him!
