Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Prayer Request For Charleen

One of the reason that we are here in Florida is that my husband's cousin, Charleen, was called for an interview in one of the big company here in Florida that she had applied for. She needs somebody to switch turn in driving from Michigan all the way down to Florida. Her interview was last Tuesday (not yesterday) and up until now she had not getting any call from the company yet.
I was praying for her during the time of her interview and Charleen said that she had felt the comfort during that very moment.
I would like to request a prayer for her that she will be accepted to work in that company. Charleen needs the job and we believe that God provides our needs. Yet not according to our will, but according to God's will and His plan in our life. And whatever will be accomplish, God alone deserves all the glory and praises.
(Charleen is my matron of honor during my wedding. The photo shown was during my wedding day while she was walking down the flowery aisle.)
I want to take the chance to thank all those that took time to pray for those prayer requests that I posted here. God had mightitly answered our prayers and rescued them from danger zone. I appreciate it very much and God knows who are those who prayed and the blessings are sure to showers upon all of you. Let us continue to be a "prayer warriors" to the glory of God's name.


Denise said...

Praying for her.

American History said...

We will prayer for her as well. You should also take a look at They are doing something great. Connecting the world with the Church of the Holy Sepulcher in Jerusalem. Our mom was very sick and we lit a candle for her at the Church.

God bless.