Friday, October 22, 2010


There were weeks that I was not able to go to church because of my previous job. (I am so glad that I am done with that job now.) Having a fellowship with people of the same faith is important to me… to us. Yes, we can study the Holy Bible in our house. Yes, we can do the praise and worship in our house. But fellowship is as much important as studying the bible and singing praise and worship, too.

Fellowship is what we are called to do as a believer. It is a relationship of inner unity among believers that expresses itself in outer co-participation with Christ and one another in accomplishing God's will on earth. Fellowship is not just being together. It is not just doing anything together but it is working together to accomplish God's will.

Fellowship is an act of working together to accomplish God's will continued in the church with the practice of a multiplicity of leadership, diversification of activities, giving to the needy, exercise of different spiritual gifts, supporting of missionaries, calls to different mission fields, corporate prayer, group worship and in other ways. But the importance of fellowship to the church does not rest solely upon the fact that it was the natural result of the coming of the Holy Spirit. Rather, its primary importance stems from the fact that: The instruments are our spiritual gifts and natural abilities. And the indispensable means we used to perform is fellowship, co-participation in accomplishing His purpose. It is only as we work together in this way that it is possible to accomplish God's plan. This is why fellowship is indispensable to the church. This is why we should go to the church service and be a part of the fellowship.

"They devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching and to the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer." (Acts 2:42 NIV)

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