Friday, October 22, 2010

Food Trip Friday #22 - Noodles Overload

I am joining Mommy Willa on this "Food Trip Friday" meme for a reason that I want to challenge myself to try something new food at least once a week in order for me to learn to cook.

As with the rest of my weekly meme, I have been neglecting my "Food Trip Friday", too, for the reason that I didn't have any entry for it. It seems like it has been a while that I haven't tried anything new in my kitchen, until today. My entry for today is what I called "Noodles Overload". Actually, it has been a while since I started doing this. It happened when at one time we had left over grilled beef steak, and then I had decided to put it on noodles for our lunch the following day. We both loved it. Since then, every time my husband made grilled beef steak, he always set aside some portion for our "Noodles Overload" the following day. This is very easy, and this guarantee that both adult and children will love it. Here is the recipe:

(For one serving)
1-pack Maruchan beef flavor noodles.
left over grilled beef steak, cut into cubes
1-2 stalks of green onions, chopped
... you can also add some chopped carrots, cabbage or any vegetable of your choice.

Bring to boil 2 cups of water and left over beef steak, put the noodles (and vegetables), bring to boil for 3 minutes, add the Maruchan seasoning, stir and removed from heat. Serve in a bowl and add the green onions on it. Enjoy it while it is hot.

1 comment:

AutumnBoy said...

That is a gorgeous looking bowl of Asian noodles Grace. And such a simple recipe

Ciao, AB