I told her that she need to be careful in what she is taking because out of thousands of diet pills that can be find anywhere only few of them are effective and safe. She has to know and be aware of the formula of it. I told her about fastweightloss.net. It is a resource for those who want to lose weight faster. They care enough to provide reviews of the best weight loss products . They give tips, recommendations and they have some easy to follow weight loss programs for free. I wanted here to research and study about such things before deciding what kind of weight loss products to take. Three important things to consider in choosing the right weight loss pill; safety, quality and effectiveness.
naku oo nga sis... na notice ko yung akin naiisip ko baka ayaw na nila mag follow. pero kanina nung makita ko yung sa akin na check ko yung sa iyo ok pa tapos ngayun nag decrease din yung sa iyo bakit kaya ano? baka babalik din.
Loosing weight drastically is bad for the body.It's safer to do it slowly and naturally.
The best is to eat a lot of fruits and vegetables and exercise regularly...no need for pills ;-)
I'm also desperate in losing weight. In fact, I already walk from home to office morning and nighttime.
Sidney is right. No need to take pills...
I believe the best way to lose weight is by exercise and take care of your diet! I don't encourage people to take diet pill cause the effect might be short term and probably will have some side effect!
I am also trying to lose weight.
We are what we eat. Diet is normally the easiest thing to work at, since its something we do everyday.
Be careful of diet pills. Some solve the problem by causing other problems.
Good to go skinnier, better to stay healthy.
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