Saturday, February 28, 2009

Take A Break And Spend Moment With God.

It is really amazing how God communicate to us in various ways. This morning, before I started with my devotional reading, I offered Him a song of worship. The lyrics of the song was primarily from Psalm 23rd. When I started with my bible reading, I was just so amazed because the text was Psalm 23rd. I smiled and thought, "There is something good that God has in store for me on this day."
But contrary to what I thought, I spent my whole day nursing a tooth ache. Actually, I don't understand if it is my tooth or my ear. I want to believe it is some infection because there is no visible decay. So, I was just on bed for the whole day. His word in Psalm 46:10 "Be still and know that I am God," comforted me. There was a silent communication between God and me. What I mean to say is, there was a sweet companionship. No words needed. In Mark 6:31, Jesus told his disciples to "Come aside by yourselves to a deserted place and rest a while." Sometimes God wants us to refocus our attention towards Him. Quiet moments with God is very important to us. It restores our soul. Amidst the busy-ness, let's take a break and spend moment with God.


Unknown said...

"this is the day the lord has made... let us rejoice and be glad.." hope you have a wonderful weekend!

Denise said...

Amen my friend.

x said...

hi, ate grace! hope you're feeling much better now. i agree with you, we are refreshed in god's presence... i miss being in the midst of it.

Anonymous said...

It's easy to get caught up in the everyday. Amen to emphasizing the importance of taking a break and spending time quietly with God.

Beth in NC said...

That is beautiful Grace. It is easier said than done -- being still.

Sandi said...

thanks for stop by my blog. It truely is a joy to give Glory and credit for our daily lives

""rarejonRez"" said...

oh, i hope you're feeling better now!

re: sure dear, you have the permission to share the thoughts you've found in my post. it would be awesome if others would be blessed because of you! :) let me know if you're done posting so I could read your thoughts, too!

btw, what church do you go to?

The Muse said...

This is simply lovely!