To the glory of God, I am boastful to say that I have so many answered prayers, some of them were instant and some of them were answered after years of faithful praying. God take pleasure in answering our prayers if it brings glory to His son, Jesus Christ.
Yes, I know a lot about the power of prayer, but I don't know why I don't feel like praying on this certain "problem" that I am facing right now. I don't know... I really don't know. Or maybe I am weary nowadays because it has been more than three months that I did not do my monthly "whole day prayer and fasting" (because the guest room that I used for that particular purpose has been occupied for more than 3 months, too.) Please pray for me. I need somebody to enlighten me on this. I can accept a rebuke, too, if that would be for my good. Thank you very much in advance.
I noticed your post about a butterfly in another blog, that you want to meet the creater, God. It is wonderful to read comments that reflect the way we feel. Our "God's Butterflies" blog is at http://butterflyedith.blogspot.com/ where we talk about the lessons we learn about life through butterflies. Thanks for your blog. ~Edith
You are in my prayers, love you my friend.
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