Sunday, March 7, 2010

"Yours To Discover"

Here in the complex where we live, more and more people from up north are coming down to visit, or let me say, to have a foretaste of spring. That is why the board members of the cooperation set weekly group activities within the complex such as Bingo, Wine Party and Shuffleboard to get acquainted with our visitors. Most of them are from Michigan and Ontario. Involving in the games are fun ways of knowing each other and sharing stories especially about where they came from.
They shared to us pictures taken from Polar Bear Provincial Park, their beautiful lakes, rocky islands and limestone cliffs. They helped us understand that Ontario is a nice place to live and it is “Yours To Discover”. That is their popular slogan, they say. They also encouraged us to get in touch with Ontario Real Estate Agents for quick and easy search of properties in that area. Their agents are ready to help with their realtor services in any way you need it, either buying or selling a property. They help you save both your time and money by providing you maximum information about anything you need to know about a certain area. I think this sounds interesting. If it does to you, I suggest that you start reviewing their website to look for your ideal house and place to live.


Arvin U. de la Peña said...

what a nice place there..

Beth E. said...


Thanks so much for stopping by my blog and commenting. We love it when both of our sons are home. This is our first year with both of them away in college. It's very quiet in our house when the boys are away!

Please come visit me again, anytime!
