One thing I have noticed, most 40+ people don't get excited or don't announce their birthdays anymore. Why is that? It is either they want to avoid being asked about their age or because it is not that important anymore. Why do most people tend to hide their true age? Some turn, literally pale, when asked "how old are you?" Some just smiled and would say "just leave it to me". And there where those mean who would reply, "it's none of your business".
Few years ago, one verse from the Bible inspired me to start counting how many days old I was. Psalm 90:12 "Teach us to number our days aright, that we may gain a heart of wisdom."
If we worry about every day making us older, you miss the wonderful little surprises that each day offers. So many people die so young, it is a shame to regret turning a year older. Each day should be considered a gift rather than a curse. If we could be thankful for every day that we are alive, we wouldn't have sadness about silly things like a birthday or gray hairs. We're aging like fine wine, just getting better with time!
Let's have some fun! Anybody who wants to know how many days old are you? Click on my comments, give me your name, your birth date and come back again to me tomorrow.
To start with:
I am 13,475 days old (as of 07-23-09).
Denise is 16,231 days old (as of 07-24-09
Lynn is 17,862 days old (as of 08-14-09)
Denise- November 20, 1963
This is a fantastic idea. I intend spreading it around Grace. Thank you.
Lynn W September 22 1959
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