"Sacrifice thank offerings to God, fulfill your vows to the Most High." Psalm 50:14 NIV
.....*I thank God for the healing I received from him, as you all know that I was sick last weekend.
.....*I thank God for all those who prayed for me and gave few words of comfort. God will surely bless you.
.....*I thank God that He healed my husband, too. Oh, he had some health trouble, too, but he is doing good now.
.....*I thank God that He enable me to send money to my mother again. I know my mother is happy with that and that made me happy, too.
.....*I thank God that He bless my husband in his studies. My husband really needs that.
.....*I thank God for giving me a friend that never gets bored or tired to chat with me every night. She keep me get in touch with anything about my old life in the Philippines.
.....*I thank God that winter is really, really almost over. (he-he-he)
.....*I thank God for the food we eat everyday.
.....*I thank God for watching over us and for keeping us safe in everything we do and on everywher we go. Especially that we always have to left home going to school six in the morning.
.....*I thank God for all my sponsored post on the past seven days.
.....*I thank God for all my blogger friends that are regularly take time to visit and read my post. I really appreciate it very much.
.....*I thank God for the wisdom on what to post.
And many, many more. Giving thanks to God is acknowledging that without Him, we can not accomplish anything, that we owe everything we got to Him. May His glorious name, Jesus Chirst be praise always and forever!
Thanks for sharing your lovely blessings with us.
"I thank God for giving me a friend that never gets bored or tired to chat with me every night. She keep me get in touch with anything about my old life in the Philippines.">>> something everyone can really be grateful of. and having blogger friends is the coolest.
I love your Thankful Thursdays. You know what they say the more thankful you are, the more you receive.
nice post....
thanks for sharing
have a nice day
Great list of thankfuls. I live in Michigan too, not loving the snow!
Have a great weekend!
This post is a great reminder that all of us need to be thankful to God each and everyday of our lives because He is so good to us. I am especially fond of Eph. 5:20 which states, "giving thanks always for all things to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ." Could it be put any better? We are missing out on blessings when we refuse to give credit where credit is due. Thanks again!
Friends 4 Life!
Eddie Garcia
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